For about 30 years, at last in 2010, we offered a one-week workshop about the construction and repair of stringed instruments, together with G.K. Hannabach and his son. Results of this activity are resumed in our “Barmstedt Lessons”. The articles, written by course participants and instructors outline theory and practice of guitar construction, technology and materials, tools, working methods and guitar building projects. The instruments thereby completed are documented with pictures and dimensioned drawings.
The Lectures are written in German.
Showing samples of pages:
Zur Theorie, Margarete Brunswicker-Apelt
Werkzeug schärfen, Christian Apelt
Anfertigen einer Lautenrosette, Michael Sander
Bau einer Konzertgitarre, H.-Heiner Behrens
In recent years literature about guitar construction gained a new angle of view, beginning with the meticulous work of José Romanillos about life and work of A.Torres. Besides the historical aspects an explicit interest in craftsmanship gains in importance, reflecting ambitions and expert knowledge of the present generation of guitar builders. Examples for this aspect:
Antonio de Torres – Guitar Maker – His Life and Work
Jose L. Romanillos
Stauffer & Co. - Die Wiener Gitarre des 19.Jahrhunderts
Eric P. Hofmann, Pascal Mougin, Stefan Hartl
Weissgerber - Gitarren von Richard Jacob
Christof Hanusch
English books about guitar construction are numerous. For a general survey we recommend:
The Classical Guitar - Design and Construction
Donald Mc Leod, Robert Welford
Guitarmaking - Tradition and Technology
William R. Cumpiano, Jonathan D. Natelson
Making Master Guitars
Roy Courtnall
Guitar Repair, A manual of repair for guitars and fretted instruments
Irving Sloane